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Low Carbon Technology and Policy in China Power Sector

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Increasing the share of non-fossil fuel based sources of energy, and promoting hydro, nuclear, wind and solar energy. The ultimate aim is to make the share of clean sources the largest in the total source package.



Low Carbon Technology and Policy in China Power Sector

China Research Center for Public Policy

ChangCe Thinktank





001 Proposal on Climate Change Mitigation Action Plan for Electric Power Sector

002 1. Introduction

003 2. Electric Power Sector and Climate Change

007 3. Guiding Ideology, Fundamental Principles, and Main Objectives of Climate Change Mitigation in Electric Power Sector

008 4. Focus Areas and Main Actions of Climate Change Mitigation in Electric Power Sector

011 5. Safeguards


015 CHAPTER ONE Current Situation of Climate Change Mitigation in Electric Power Sector


016 Report One: Status of Electric Power Sector Development

016 1. Status of Electric Energy Consumption

017 2. Status of Electric Power Generation

018 3. Status of Electric Power Grids

020 4. Summary


021 Report Two: Current Status of CO2 Emissions from Electric Power Sector

021 1. Methodologies and Basic Assumptions

021 2. Status of CO2 Emissions from Electric Power Sector

023 3. The Position of CO2 Emissions from Electric Power Sector

023 4. Summary


024 Report Three: Electric Power Sector's Endeavors in Climate Change Mitigation in China

024 1. Current Status of CO2 Emissions from Electric Power Sector in China

025 2. Electric Power Sector's Endeavors in Climate Change Mitigation in China

037 3. Summary



043 CHAPTER TWO Technology Options for Climate Change Mitigation in Electric Power Sector


044 Report One: Technology Roadmaps on Climate Change Mitigation in Electric Power Sector

044 1. Increasing the Proportion of Non-Fossil Energy

047 2. Improving the Efficiency of Thermal Generation Units and Reducing T&D Line Loss

053 3. Conclusions and Recommendations


055 Report Two: Copenhagen Commitments and Comparison of Non-Fossil Power Generation Technologies

055 1. The Scope of Non-Fossil Power Generation Technologies

056 2. Basic Assumptions

057 3. Calculations and Analysis

059 4. Summary


065 Report Three: Technology Cost Curve for Climate Change Mitigation in Electric Power Sector

065 1. Introduction

066 2. Technology Options for CO2 Emission Reduction in Electric Power Sector

067 3. Generation Costs and Carbon Intensity of Abatement Technologies

073 4. Power Generation Cost Curve and Carbon Emission Intensity Curve inBase Year (2005)

074 5. Power Demand, Non-Fossil Power Planning and Carbon Intensity

079 6. Analysis of Other Influencing Factors

081 7. Summary


091 Report Four: The Relationship between CO2 Emission Intensity Targets and Costs in Electric Power Sector

092 1. Introduction

094 2. Methodologies

100 3. Basic Parameters and Assumptions

109 4. Relationship Curve of CO2 Emission Intensity Targets and Costs in Electric Power Sector

111 5. Policies Analysis on CO2 Intensity Reduction in Electric Power Sector

117 6. Analysis of Policy Combinations

124 7. Conclusions and Recommendations

125 8. Deficiencies of the Research and Next Steps



127 CHAPTER THREE Policy Options for Climate Change Mitigation in Electric Power Sector


128 Report One: Current Status of Climate Change Mitigation Policies in Electric Power Sector and Implementation Focus Areas

128 1. Introduction

129 2. Current Status of Policies for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction from Eclectic Power Sector in China

137 3. Implementation Focus Areas of Climate Change Mitigation Policies in Electric Power Sector in China

141 4. Proposal on Policy Refinement


144 Report Two: Benefit-cost Analysis on Launching Large Power Plants and Closing Small Thermal Power Plants in Electric Power Sector

144 1. Basic Content of Closing Small Thermal Power Plants

146 2. Implementation Process and Characteristics of Closing Small Thermal Power Plants

150 3. Methodologies for Benefit-cost Analysis

153 4. Cost and Benefit Analysis on Closing Small Thermal Power Plants

160 5. Conclusions and Recommendations


163 Report Three: Benefit-cost Analysis on Differential Pricing Policy

164 1. Introduction

166 2. Status of Power Consumption in China

170 3. Status of the Implementation of Differential Pricing Policy

173 4. Effects Analysis of Differential Pricing Policy

185 5. Cost Analysis of Differential Pricing Policy

197 6. Cost and Benefit Analysis of Differential Pricing Policy

198 7. Problems in the Implementation of Differential Pricing Policy

200 8. Recommendations on the Further Implementation of Differentiated Tariffs

200 9. Deficiencies of the Research and Next Steps


209 Report Four: Policy Evaluation on the Contributions of Differential Pricing Policy to Energy Saving and Emission Reduction

209 1. Introduction

210 2. Review on Differential Pricing Policy

212 3. Practice of Differential Pricing Policy in Fujian Province

216 4. Evidence Analysis of the Contributions of Differential Pricing Policy to Energy Saving and Emission Reduction

218 5. Optimization of Differential Pricing Policy

221 6. Main Conclusions and Policy Recommendations


228 Report Five: The Influence of Protective Full Amount Acquisition of Renewable Energy on Power Price

228 1. Current Status of Protective Full Amount Acquisition of Renewable Energy and Power Pricing Policies

231 2. Analysis on the Influence of Protective Full Amount Acquisition of Renewable Energy on Power Price

232 3. Positive Effects and Major Problems of Protective Full Amount Acquisition of Renewable Energy

236 4. Solutions



239 CHAPTER FOUR Climate Change Mitigation in Electric Power Sector and Macro-Economy


240 Report One: Scenario Analysis and Forecast of Energy in China in the Shock of Financial Crisis

240 1. The Influence of Financial Crisis on Global Economy

244 2. The Influence of Financial Crisis on China Economy

247 3. The Influence of Financial Crisis on World Energy and Power Sector

254 4. The Influence of Financial Crisis on China's Energy and Power Sector


270 Report Two: Analysis of the Influence of Climate Change Mitigation Policies in Electric Power Sector on Economy Based on CGE Model

270 1. Introduction

272 2. CGE Model and Data

275 3. Model and Scenario Assumptions

276 4. Analysis of Policy Simulations

280 5. Policies and Recommendations


282 Report Three: Analysis of the Relationship between Carbon Intensity of Electric Power Sector and Carbon Intensity Per Unit of GDP Based on Input-Output Model

282 1. China's Emission Reduction Commitments and the Position of Electric Power Sector in Emission Reduction

284 2. Methodology and Data Resources

285 3. Coefficient of CO2 Emission from Electric Power Sector

287 4. Relationship between Emission Reduction in Electric Power Sector and CO2 Emission Intensity Per Unit of GDP

290 5. Conclusions and Recommendations



295 CHAPTER FIVE International Experience in Climate Change Mitigation in Electric Power Sector


296 Report One: International Experience in Climate Change Mitigation in Electric Power Sector

296 1. Integrated Resource Planning and Demand Side Management

297 2. Carbon Capture and Storage

299 3. Tax on Climate Change

300 4. Carbon Tax

302 5. Conclusions and Recommendations


303 Report Two: Comparison of CO2 Emissions from Electric Power Industry in China and U.S.

303 1. Comparison of Electric Power Industry in China and U.S.

309 2. Comparison of CO2 Emissions from Electric Power Industry in China and U.S.

311 3. Summary


313 Report Three: Comparison of Climate Change Mitigation in Electric Power Sector in China and U.S.

313 1. Introduction

313 2. Comparison of Electric Power Sector in China and U.S.

318 3. Comparison of Policy Options for Climate Change Mitigation in Electric Power Sector in China and U.S.

319 4. Challenges Facing China's Electric Power Sector on Climate Change Mitigation

320 5. Summary


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